FranConnect Logo Design

Logo for FranConnect Inc. and software was designed to visually depict the idea or proposition of a harmonious franchisor–franchisee network.

Background and Requirement

FranConnect is one of leading software based franchise management systems in the world. It facilitates harmonious connections between franchisors and their franchisees, enabling them to carry out a wide range of functions including operations, sales and marketing.

Human hand holding a store, linked to several other similar stores
Artistic depiction of franchising by Lukpedclub W

Design of a logo for FranConnect was commissioned in 2003, at the inception of the company of the same name. The client wanted the logo to visually depict the franchisor–franchisee relationship or connection which the software helps to forge and nurture. That FranConnect was a technology company also had to be kept in mind while designing the logo.

Design Rationale

The designer worked on and presented several logo options based on the proposition. The one approved by the client comprised of a pictorial mark formed by combining two F (for FranConnect) letterforms.

Two F shapes (top one in blue, bottom one in orange) in perspective, overlapping and joined together in the middle
The FranConnect pictorial mark or symbol

Logo Symbolism

In the mark, the two F letterforms — representing the franchisor and the franchisee — were simply connected to visually depict FranConnect’s proposition. The graphic, rendered in perspective, looked like a matrix formed by the coming together of franchisor and franchisees. It symbolised a network of endless possibilities, opportunities and growth.

While the logo appeared abstract at first glance, its meaning or symbolism could be quickly deciphered by the eye.

Top and bottom halves of the logo appearing alternately and forming the full logo
Animation depicting the coming together or connection of two F letterforms to constitute the FranConnect logo pictorial mark


The pictorial mark was combined with the name of the software / company into a logo unit or combination mark, which the client was urged to use with consistency on all printed and online communication. The name FranConnect was composed in the classic geometric sans-serif typeface Eurostile, owing to its technical, futuristic and functional feel, and excellent legibility.

The pictorial mark and the name of the company / software below it
FranConnect logo unit or combination mark

Colour Scheme

The logo was dressed in two complementary coloursBlue and Dark Orange. While Blue represented technology, Orange represented the energy and vibrancy often associated with commercial / retail franchising. The warm (dark orange) and cool (blue) colour combination also symbolised people to people connections and achievement of their goals through the power of technology.

Two photographs: of glow signs in a market and of an abstract technology background
Logo colour scheme represented (commercial) brands and technology
The combination mark with the top F and company name in white and the bottom F in orange colour
FranConnect logo on blue background

The logo was often used in reverse on blue background, which helped to enhance or reinforce the brand look without using any extra visual elements.

Cover of a sales brochure with a predominant blue background
FranConnect logo on a brochure cover
Office worker using the software on a computer
The logo on a software splash screen (mockup / simulated image)

The logo could also be used on an orange background in cases where extra vibrancy was required. For example on posters for trade shows.

The combination mark with the top F in blue and the bottom F and company name in white colour
FranConnect logo in reverse, on orange background
Three outdoor panels showing use of the logo on white, blue and orange backgrounds, respectively
FranConnect logo in alternating brand colours (mockup)


FranConnect logo visually depicted the proposition of a franchisor–franchisee network in a clear, intelligible yet distinctive manner. Its overall look and feel was appropriate for a technology company.

KINDLY NOTE: Since the logo was designed (in 2003), the ownership and logo of FranConnect have changed. This article, therefore, is about the old or older FranConnect logo.

Photo Credits