Tiger Lagoon Logo Design

Logo for Tiger Lagoon nature resort was designed to depict its unique proposition in a clear and interesting manner. It had an exotic touch and a strong reference to the Tiger.


Tiger Lagoon is a nature resort located in close proximity to Bandhavgarh National Park in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The park is known to have one of the highest densities of Tigers in the world and is a magnet for nature lovers.

People in jeeps on a dirt road inside the park
Jeep safari at Bandhavgarh National Park

The resort offers its guests a unique experience of stay in mud and thatch finished cottages that overlook a private lagoon. It is this aspect that the client wanted the logo to highlight, design of which was commissioned before the launch of the resort, in 2010.

Interior of one of the resort rooms with a large window overlooking the lagoon
View from a cottage at Tiger Lagoon resort (Photo Copyright © Tiger Lagoon)

Design Rationale

During the research and ideation phase, basis the creative brief received from the client, several logo options were tried. The most appropriate and interesting option created comprised of a graphic depiction of huts / cottages adjacent to a lagoon, in the combined shape of a tiger pugmark. It was approved by the client to become the resort’s logo.

A Tiger paw like shape with huts instead of digital pads and an organic lagoon shape instead of the Metacarpal pad
The Tiger Lagoon logo graphic

Overall shape of the graphic or pictorial mark was based on one of the reference images (of a pugmark) collected by the designer.

Alternating, overlapped images of the logo graphic and a sketch of the pugmark
Animation showing the Tiger Lagoon logo graphic and a sketch of the Tiger pugmark on which it was based

The pictorial mark depicted the resort’s proposition or uniqueness very clearly, with an indirect yet strong reference to the Tiger.

Collage of a Tiger photo (above) and a lagoon photo (below), with the logo graphic in the middle
The majestic Tiger and a beautiful, natural lagoon were very simply and graphically represented in the logo

Logo Colour Scheme

The graphic was dressed in brown and blue colours, wherein the brown represented the cottages and the blue represented water or the lagoon. The colour scheme was inspired by one of the images of the resort shared by the client.

Patio of a cottage with wooden furniture and railings, and water or the lagoon beyond
An image of the resort that inspired the logo’s colour scheme and organic look (Photo Copyright © Tiger Lagoon)

Logo Typography

The pictorial mark was combined with the name of the resort set (with loose letter spacing or tracking) in the typeface Skia, that lent to the logo an exotic touch.

Pugmark graphic with name of the resort right below it (Tiger in brown and Lagoon in blue colour)
The Tiger Lagoon logo or combination mark

Combination Mark

The organic and thick nature of the graphic was contrasted with the sleek and geometric nature of the typeface or font. Together, they constituted the Tiger Lagoon logo unit or combination mark.

Technical Notes

Upon finalisation, artwork of the logo comprising of several electronic file types — for faithful reproduction in print and on digital screens — was created and submitted to the client. It included a black and white or grayscale version of the logo for reproduction in one colour or screen printing.

The logo in grey and black colours (in place of brown and blue)
Tiger Lagoon logo in grayscale

Examples of Logo Usage

Stationery designed for Tiger Lagoon had a formal touch. It carried forward the two colours used in the logo.

Two business cards placed on a branch on a wooden table
Tiger Lagoon business card design
The logo on a 'Clean the Room' sign hanging from a door handle
Tiger Lagoon logo graphic on a door hangar (mockup)
A gift box with a ribbon and a paper bag with Tiger Lagoon logo on it
The logo on a gift bag (mockup)
Logo with a large room number on a room keychain, placed outdoor on a wooden table
The logo on a room keychain (mockup)

In Essence

The logo depicted the resort’s uniqueness in an easy to understand and interesting manner, with a strong reference to the Tiger. Its overall clean feel or appearance, with an exotic touch, was appropriate for an upscale nature resort.

KINDLY NOTE: All designs and images featured in this article are copyrighted and may not be reproduced.

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